
[Year 2024]

9/4-5  Clinical Study Translation, English to Korean  Subject matter: Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) Clinical Study – Sotatercept

weight-based dosing 체중 기반 용량  weight-banded… 체중 대역

— KGMP | GMP audit  MFDS 준비 – Abbot  Houston, Texas medical device manufacturer

5/30-6/3 Medical Translation, English to Korean Merck  Clinical Study/Trials Documents.  Korean translator, 1 Korean editor / reviewer.

3/28 Medical Translation A clinical research trial for people with advanced solid tumors  진행성 고형암 환자를 대상으로 한 임상 연구 시험 English to Korean translation, Dallas Texas

3/22/24 Medical Translation Review Project, English to Korean translation, Dallas Texas

3/14/24 Medical Translation – Editing and Proofreading Project, English to Korean, Client Eli Lily Dallas Texas

[Year 2023]

11/10-11/13 Inside Trading, English to Korean Translation Project   Training Material – PPT

11/7/23 Medical Translation Review Project, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Symptoms (PGIS-NSCLC), English to Korean

[Year 2022]

12/20-12/21 Legal Translation Review – BMS Agreements, English to Korean, Dallas Texas

11/9/22 Medical Translation – Clinical Trial, English to Korean translation, client change updates, Houston, Texas

9/1/22 Corporate Employment Contract Translation Project, English to Korean, Dallas, Texas

2/15/22 Translation, Samsung Electronics, Korean to English  appliance (Qooker), user manual, Dallas, Texas

9/13/21 Medical translation project: Korean to English, 광범위 피부 전신 경화증 소개, An Introduction to Diffuse Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis Dallas, Texas

8/24/21 Clinical Trial Back Translation, Korean to English, Dallas, Texas