Current Project

 미주한인상공회의소 총연합회 Korean-American Chamber of Commerce USA
총연(총연합회) KACC USA
총회 general meeting
정기총회 general assembly (mandatory annual meeting)
* 정기총회 is mandatory annual meeting. 총회 denotes both general assembly & provisional meeting. 
임시총회 provisional assembly
분과위원장 sector chair
총연(총연합회) the Chamber
본회 the (this) association, organization
사무차장 Deputy Secretary General
사무총장 Secretary General
수석부이사장 Senior Vice Chairperson
부이사장 Vice Chairperson
상공인 단체 Chamber of Commerce and Industry group
당연 직 position of the ex-officio
이사회장 Chairperson of the board
예산 심의 및 결산 보고 Budget review and report on the settlement of accounts.
가부동수 in the case of a tie in votes
사무국 Secretariat
시행세칙 rules for operation
부칙 Addendum
정회원regular member
일반회원ordinary member
명예회우honorary member
과반수 투표majority vote
보궐선거 by-election

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